Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My First Documented Shoot.

   To start this blog page, I thought I would run through how I set up my background image here on the page as far as light and concept.
   This is from the first of a few series to come of my take on high end beauty. Collaborating with a peer student, I schedule the shoot based on a style that could represent Victoria Secret. Looked into a studio, packed. Locations? That's out; I wanted it inside. So I decide to make a temp studio at the models (fellow photog) house.

1 Alien Bee 800 (with 22in beauty dish and ":sock" attached)
--8ft Wescott light stand with 5 ft boom to support
1YN560 speedlight (with 86 in shoot through umbrella)
--Manfrotto Nano stand to support
Lighting triggered by wireless triggers (Paul C Buff)
1 Roll white seamless paper
1Canon 7D (24-70mm f2.8 L &70-200mm f2.8 IS L used)

   Her living room had the perfect spot for the paper to go up. (this was my first time there. I had no idea what the set up was going to be like till I got there) I dont have the light ratios written down, but I am wanting to say that they were 1:1.
The Beauty Dish was used as a main light. I have become a fan of the shape and shadow of beauty dish lighting just recently! Try them out! The speedlight was able to let us keep the images high key (almost white background) and ad definition to our model as well.
   Now that the light is set up, how to shoot? Well, I knew I wanted it to look as if it could fit with a Victoria Secret style, with my own perspective and twist; and this is why. I love to shoot beauty, I have been fed "fine art" for some time now. When those two style collide, you get these beautiful images based on fine art with line, shape, form, etc; blending these aspects with beauty based on a physical appearance is mind blowing. V.S. is the only company I can think of to use as example for what goes on in my crazy little brain with that blend in concept mode. Below you can see a couple images that came out of the shoot and a shot of the set up to help understand my set up ramble...
(The image on the right was the final selection)
-density and tone
-selective color <-that's the fun one

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